How to Declutter and Keep Your Car Organized!

Spring is in the air, which provides a perfect opportunity to clean up the interior (and exterior) of your vehicle! Cars can become dumping grounds for random items that are collected throughout the day, so it’s good to keep on top of it. Ready to get started! Here’s what you do:

1.       Put on some good music.

I find music to be really motivating when I’m working on something! Put the radio in your car on, or listen to music on your phone if you are the same way.

2.       Empty the car ENTIRELY.

This is really important to do first, because often when people clean their cars they just move things around, maybe subtracting a few things from the interior. But it’s crucial to see all that you have been storing in there, and to force yourself to make tough decisions about what should be permanently stored in your car.

3.       Examine the removed contents.

Take the time to see what you’ve been accumulating in your car. Are there a lot of food wrappers? Items that were meant to be returned to someone/someplace? Toys that have been left by your children? CDs that you never listen to?

Critically look at each item and decide what is worthwhile to store in the car. What provides value to your driving experience? Having reusable grocery bags in your car is helpful so that you don’t have to remember to pack them when you shop. Maybe storing gift cards in the car is helpful because you forget to use them otherwise. Some people find it helpful to have a stockpile of some snacks or water bottles in case of emergency so they don’t spend money on impulse purchases. Do what works for you and your lifestyle.

4.       Clean the car!

Before returning anything to the car, give it a good clean! Pull out the rubber mats, spraying them down if necessary to remove the encrusted salt from the winter season. Vacuum all remaining fabric areas, including seats (it’s amazing what squeezes into the cracks between seat and backrest) and the trunk. Wipe down console, cup holders, inside the glove box, and other plastic areas to get rid of dust and grime. Clean inside glass to get that streak-free shine. Admire how shiny your car is!

5.       Return items to car.

Designate areas for items that are returning to the car, and make sure the areas are appropriate given what the items are (eg. don’t store things in the trunk that you’d need while actually driving). If you found that your car collected quite a few food wrappers, put a small trash bag or bin in the car.

6.       Bring other items to their “home”

Put trash in your kitchen trash bin, return toys to the toy box, return any clothing to the closet or the laundry hamper, and create a donation bag for any unwanted items! If there were items that were meant to be returned to the library or a friend’s, decide whether keeping those items in the car is helpful or whether it would be better to store them by your entryway.

7.      Create better habits.

If you found that a lot of items and/or food wrappers were gathering in your car after each trip, dig deep about why this is happening and see if there are ways you can make changes. Treat your car like a rental or like you’ve borrowed it from someone else! Make sure at the end of each trip to look in the backseat or on the floors and remove anything that doesn’t belong. Never leave the car empty-handed, even if it’s just something small – small items accumulate to create big messes. By keeping on top of the clutter, your car will need a deep clean less often, which is good for everyone!