How to Feel Motivated at a Time Like This

Life is uncertain right now. Any schedule that existed before March is now not relevant. Maybe you’re working from home so you still have a “schedule”, but any social schedule, or outings to the store on a regular basis have been shifted, and it’s surreal.

It is ok to not feel ok.

We are all grieving right now, whether it be for truly awful things like someone being sick or passing away because of Covid-19, or seemingly trivial things like not being able to go to the movies or hang out with friends and family because of social isolation. Our lives as we know it are different, and there is no trivializing that.

The only solace is that we as a nation are in this together, though it seems incredibly isolated. We are doing this to keep others safe, so although it feels terrible right now, it will end eventually. The tough part is that we don’t know when.

It feels hard to be motivated right now. Some people are taking this time to expand their businesses, accomplish things around the house, read many books, and some people are just getting up in the morning and showering. You shouldn’t feel obligated to do a lot right now. Everyone’s experience is different, and just like with grief, everyone copes differently with change and trauma. Whatever you feel comfortable doing is what you should be doing. Try not to compare yourself to those that seem to be always perfect and successful, especially during this time, because it’s hard to know what is really going on behind the social media filter.

If you are finding it hard to be motivated and you want to accomplish things, check out these tips. This is by no means me telling you to accomplish more, but can be some assistance if you want it. Do what works best for you in this time.

1.       Make a To Do list.

I personally find lists very motivating, and get immense satisfaction from organizing my thoughts as well as checking off items that are accomplished. I would recommend making a to do list for each day, but even one for stuff that you want to accomplish while in self-isolation in general. Maybe projects around the house, or books you want to read, or online courses you want to take. Writing out your goals can help to make them self-actualize and to make sure you remember them all!

2.       Try to accomplish one productive household thing per day.

This can be something small like doing the dishes or the laundry, but keeping up with household tasks can help you to stay on track to accomplish larger tasks. If you have dirty dishes lingering in the background it will be a distraction and will hinder your ability to focus and self-motivate.

3.       Don’t try to do too much at once. Take it one day at a time.

If you want to take this extra time to do more with your business or lifestyle, don’t try to do everything in one day or in one week. Spread it out so that one item on your to do list is accomplished per day. This will help to keep you on a sort of schedule, but also doesn’t overwhelm you.

4.       Make sure to do fun things every day.

Don’t feel bad about binge watching your favourite show, or eating cookies every day. Small joys can really help at a time like this. Try using the fun items as your reward for accomplishing the not-so-fun things.

5.       Get outside!

Now I am not saying to get out to the park or to hang out in large groups of people, but going outside for a walk in the sunshine is a great way to boost your energy levels. I’ve been going for one or two walks per day just to get fresh air and it has been so beneficial. Also, it helps to feel connected to your community because although people will go to the other side of the sidewalk when they see you coming (as should you), people have been friendlier than usual – saying hello and smiling at everyone - almost to compensate for the avoidance.

6.       Focus on positive things.

Turn off the news, or only allow yourself to check social media once or twice a day if you find it depressing to see all the stats that people are sharing. Start following lots of heartwarming Instagram or twitter feeds (puppies, kittens etc.) so you get an influx of cute things rather than more bad news. Definitely keep informed on what is going on, but don’t let it be your entire day.

Stay safe out there, and of course, wash your hands :)