I've Seen It All.

I never want my clients to feel shame about their clutter taking over their space. First off, that’s my entire business and I thrive in clutter! But also, they are not alone. Clutter happens, life gets in the way, and that’s ok. You should not feel like you have to be perfect at everything, all the time. I’ve had a lot of clients apologize when I’m doing my assessment with them, or when I come to their home after a few sessions and they haven’t finished their “homework”. It is OK!! I get it. I don’t ever want my clients to feel ashamed or apologetic, I just want them to know that they are loved and supported, and hope that they are motivated to make changes in their life.

To put anyone at ease that is apprehensive about hiring an organizer, I wanted to give a bit of perspective about what kind of work I do all the time. My job isn’t about putting labels on fancy new organizing containers and calling it a day. I get really dirty doing what I do, and to be honest, very sweaty! Here are some examples of things that are part of my regular work day:

1. Evidence of pests. No, I don’t mean annoying people in someone’s house, but rather vermin like mice, ants, flies, etc. Mouse poop is a common occurrence, and all that it indicates to me is that we need to store things in a certain way to ensure the mice can’t get into food and clothing items. No shame, mice and insects happen! Before putting items back I will make sure to clean any cupboards or bins that had mouse poop in them to make sure your home is sanitary and safe.

2. DUST. And not just a light “dusting” of dust particles, I’m talking inch-thick layers of dust that have accumulated over years/decades, mixed with grease from the kitchen. That stuff is hard to scrub off, but honestly it is the most satisfying thing to clean up when organizing a home. It looks like a brand new space afterwards! Wouldn’t you like a fresh start?

3. Spoiled food. When clutter happens, food sometimes falls into areas that never get looked at. When we are decluttering together we may come across a mouldy piece of bread under the couch, or a mug of tea with scum on the top that has been on top of a shelf for weeks. There is no shame, we will just clean it up and move on. Once the clutter is under control, it will be easier to stay on top of cleaning and maintaining your space.

4. No floor space to safely walk. If this is the situation in your home, please call me immediately. Seriously. Your safety is of the utmost importance, and having clutter on your floor can lead to all sorts of accidents or injuries. Clutter over the floor is not a problem for me. We start by creating a small clear patch and working from there. We can get through this.

5. Bags and bags of miscellaneous items. A common occurrence I have found in client’s homes is when they have company over, they will gather the assorted clutter around the tabletops and counters into a bag and store it in their basement. Those bags and boxes add up, and I get to go through them with my clients! They take a little more time to sort through because the items are quite random, but it is so satisfying because my clients find things they forgot they had! It is like going through small time capsules of brief moments in their lives. Let me motivate you to go through these items with you!

6. HUGE collections of things. Do you like books, but don’t have the time to read them? Do you like dolls but they are taking over your space? Let me help! We will talk through your goals and priorities, as they may have changed since you started your collections. It can be really hard to  figure out how to part with beloved items, but if they are taking over your space and inhibiting your comfort, changes need to be made!

By the time I am finished at a client’s, I am usually very dusty, my mask filter is no longer white, and I really need to clean underneath my fingernails. That’s part of my job, and I love it. It is a job well done when I am dirty at the end and your space is clean and clutter-free.