Why I am NOT the Organizer for You!

I will be the first to admit it: not everyone will want to work with an organizer like me! Check out some of the ways that I am NOT the best professional organizer for you.

1.       You are looking for a perfectly organized Pinterest-y space.

Although we all love scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest to get inspiration or the feeling of relaxation, I do not aspire to make spaces look “perfect”. I find that they are harder to keep organized, and when anything is askew it just looks wrong and can bring about feelings of failure. I am looking to collaborate with clients who are looking to make their spaces functional without perfectly matching canisters and a room that looks like it was professionally designed. There are some organizers who focus on the aesthetic of perfect organization, so I leave it in their capable hands! Instead I want to organize homes that look like someone lives there, somewhere where function is prioritized over form.

2.       You are looking to have a HUGE job done in a very short amount of time.

Part of what makes my business appealing to people is that it is just me – what you see is what you get. You don’t have to worry about having multiple people in your home, putting trust in them all, and learning all of their names. Unfortunately working solo takes more time, but I always give an estimate when I initially talk to new clients so they have a ballpark of how long the project will take, so they can prepare!

3.       You want me to tell you what to do.

I look at organizing as a way to help people to actualize their goals. I do not make decisions for people on what to keep and get rid of, I help them to figure out whether to do so. Before clients are calling me, I want them to know WHY they want to get organized and have a basic concept of how they want to have their space function. I will gladly give suggestions and expertise on how to best organize items, but the final decision is YOURS. You are in control of the situation at all times, and we work at your pace.

4.       You are pressured into hiring an organizer.

There are different reasons for hiring an organizer, some of which are out of necessity and some are out of inspiration. If someone is being forced to tidy up and declutter their home because of an impending eviction and they don’t see the value in it themselves, then they would be better to hire a company that specializes in that. I only want to work with people who actually want me there and see the value in my services. Clients are allowed to feel overwhelmed and embarrassed about their space, but I want them to call me because they are ready to make changes in their life and just don’t know where to start.

5.       You have an unlimited budget and expect your space to be filled with all-new organizing supplies.

Like with #1 on this list, I don’t aspire to make spaces perfect looking and I also don’t want you to acquire more things in order to feel organized. There are some organizing supplies that are very helpful (eg. drawer organizers), but I don’t organize with the intention of redecorating your home with new things. I try to use what you already have and repurpose items to keep things in line. I don’t feel like everything needs to be contained in a basket or in an acrylic canister, but over the course of organizing your home I will take note of things that may need an organizing supply and keep a lookout for something that’ll do the trick! Physical objects have a limited lifecycle before they get broken or unwanted, and I aspire to keep as many things out of the landfill as possible.

Do the above points not sound like you?

Instead are you looking to make change in your life all while reducing your environmental impact? I work with my clients to live more minimally and sustainably. I give them perspective on their items, illustrating instead how they can appreciate and use what they already have, and repurpose items for and finding other purposes rather than buying new. I take the time to sort and take away your unwanted items away to donation centres, charities, specialized recycling facilities or to post online for free (if unable to be donated) so they will actually get used.

When reading my testimonials you will see repeated comments about how my support allows the organizing process to go smoother, kinder and less exhausting than it would by themselves. I take the time to get to know my clients to better assist them. We spend sessions laughing and joking, telling stories and sharing memories associated with cherished items. I want my organizing sessions to be fun yet productive, and for my clients to enjoy them as much as I do! I love meeting new people and getting to know their stories. We all have such unique perspectives and lifestyles, and I want to help you set up your space to reflect that and make you the most comfortable!

I am so grateful to be a part of an industry that focuses on collaboration and support rather than competition. If you are looking for an organizer that works differently than me, please check out the POC website and search for an organizer in your area that matches your needs!